
Cherished Places

We see food as integral to creating connection within the home and the local community. We celebrate the producers and places that share our values.

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How to shop in Oxford during lockdown 2.0

How to shop in Oxford during lockdown 2.0

Adamantia Velonis, Founder, Marmalade + Kindness shares her personal shopping guide to Oxford and the beloved products getting her through lockdown 2.0.

A love letter to Shreeji News
All photos: Maysoon Matthysen

A love letter to Shreeji News

When you find a place that feels like your ‘home away from home’, you never forget your first experience there. For Marmalade + Kindness, Founder, Adamantia Velonis, this place is Shreeji News, Marylebone, London.

Founder’s Edit: London

Founder’s Edit: London

Adamantia Velonis, Founder, Marmalade + Kindness shares her personal shopping guide to London and her kitchen tips to help you start your mindful cooking journey.