Our story

Our story

In 2019 I moved to the UK from Australia. The move was joyful but also presented challenges – mainly the distance and isolation I experienced from family and friends. During this period of adjustment, cooking became my outlet. While I was spending a lot of time by myself, having exciting recipes to prepare helped me to find some purpose. Exploring British cuisine and seasonal produce, helped me to understand the culture of my new home a little more. I also started becoming familiar with food production and farming practices which lead me to commit to taking environmentally sustainable action. I was finding that having new skills to master reignited my love of learning. For the first time, I was managing my tendency to perfectionism as I started to treat failed attempts, as ‘experiments’ not ‘disasters.’ But most importantly, cooking allowed me to connect with my family and my identity, by making family recipes and traditional Greek foods I used to eat as a child, but had forgotten since my grandmother passed away. By treating the experience of cooking with attention and being present in the moment, (what I describe as mindful cooking) I developed a newfound confidence and gave myself permission to be creative again. Reflecting on everything I had learnt along the way, I started Marmalade + Kindness so that I could share my UK adventure with my family and friends in Australia, and inspire you to explore the benefits of mindful cooking.

Our Mission

Marmalade + Kindness encourages you to find moments of mindfulness and creativity through cooking. By sharing tried and tested recipes, featuring organic, seasonal produce we aim to inspire you to develop a daily cooking habit. Our recipes encourage you to develop your intuition as a cook – to use all your senses when choosing produce, adapting recipes to your tastes and those you cook for, and knowing when something is ‘done.’

‘Honouring the Light Within’

We also believe that the process of cooking provides ‘teachable’ moments. Imagine spending two hours making a casserole, only to burn it in the last 10 minutes. Do you throw it out in a huff? Blame the recipe? Chastise yourself repeatedly for not paying attention? Or try again?

Or Another Relatable Scenario:

Picture the last time you made a meal for someone else. What went through your mind? Did you keenly watch them eat every bite, constantly asking for feedback? Or did you focus on the joy of their company? It is in these moments that we can practice mindfulness – becoming aware of our reactions to events that activate our emotions. We can deliberately build awareness of the moments that challenge us – whether they be failure, vulnerability or success. Then analyse the consequences of our reactions. It is through the cultivation of this awareness that we can not only develop inner discipline but also create the space for change – as we make way for new behaviours and thoughts that better serve us.

What Makes us Unique?

Marmalade + Kindness turns the adage ‘practice makes perfect’ on its head – for us, it’s not about perfection but progress. We believe in being kind to yourself (and others) and approaching new tasks with a learner’s mindset. To support your journey, each recipe includes a unique mindfulness suggestion to guide you in using cooking as an informal mindfulness practice. As well as sharing original recipes inspired by seasonal British produce, my Greek heritage and personal memories, I also celebrate the success of fellow female founders and creators in our weekly interview segment, In the Kitchen With. I hope to inspire you to find the time to create, reflect and celebrate the present moment.


practice makes progress in cooking

In love and light xx Adamantia Velonis

Founder, Marmalade + Kindness