
Beginner’s mind

Avgolemono Soup

Avgolemono Soup

During the pandemic, I have been craving the comfort and safety of home. Everyone has one meal that they associate with home. For me, it’s Greek avgolemono soup.

Vegan Cabbage Rolls

Vegan Cabbage Rolls

In Greek culture, vegan recipes come from the religious practice of fasting during Lent. This is one of my favourite recipes because it can be made with or without meat, and is brilliant hot or cold.

Strawberry and Yuzu Ice Cream with Pistachio Dacquoise

Strawberry and Yuzu Ice Cream with Pistachio Dacquoise

Strawberry and yuzu ice cream is sandwiched between two layers of crisp, salty pistachio dacquoise. This recipe is great because you don’t waste the egg whites from the ice cream, and the dacquoise keeps in the freezer if well wrapped. Cut a slice and enjoy the taste of summer!

Lemon Verbena Ice Cream and Peaches

Lemon Verbena Ice Cream and Peaches

New-season peaches herald the arrival of summer. The tartness pairs beautifully with lemon verbena, while the notes of caramel add depth and sweetness.

Refreshing Passionfruit Ice Cream

Refreshing Passionfruit Ice Cream

Tangy and tropical passionfruit is such a joyous fruit – especially when paired with vanilla. Enjoy this creamy ice cream on a balmy summer’s day with crushed meringue.

Traditional Greek Spinach Pie

Traditional Greek Spinach Pie

Greek spinach pie (Spanakopita) is a family favourite, blending a refreshing combination of herbs – dill, mint, parsley – with salty fetta and delicate ricotta, this recipe is perfect all year round. Serve with chilli jam or chutney.