
In The Kitchen With: Julia Gralberg, Founder + Owner, Lux Nomade

In The Kitchen With: Julia Gralberg, Founder + Owner, Lux Nomade

Feb 10, 2021 |


This week M+K sits across the table with Julia Gralberg, Founder + Owner, Lux Nomade. She talks with us about her approach to cooking (and life!), a special meal that takes her back to her childhood and how she channels her creativity.


1. My cooking inspiration…

Is an empty stomach. I also watch cooking shows and travelling and visiting restaurants always give me inspiration, even roaming around supermarkets.


2. A meal that reminds me of home…

Not technically a meal, but my stepdad’s blueberry pie which we, as a family, enjoyed every year in August. It takes me right back to my childhood.


3. A life lesson cooking has taught me…

I like to improvise when cooking and I’m terrible at following recipes. Even on the odd occasions when I do follow recipes, things don’t always go do plan. Instead, most of the time I go with my gut and I’m not afraid of trying new dishes (with various results). I come to realise that the way I cook is very similar to how I live. I like to improvise and cooking has taught me that food is supposed to taste both sweet and sour. A bit like life itself.


4. When I want to be creative I…

Declutter my external and internal space.


5. The most transformational book I’ve read is…

Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly.


6. The routines that keep me grounded are…

Walks in nature.


7. I recently learnt…

How to make my own essential sprays.


8. Favourite random act of kindness…

When someone is offering a helping hand without expecting anything in return.


9. To make a difference in my community I…

Ensure my recycling is properly done every week.


10. Right now, I’m grateful for…

My health and for the health of my family and everyone I love.


Julia Gralberg is the founder of wellness and travel publication Lux Nomade, which handpicks the best resorts, retreats, spas and beauty brands for the modern woman. She combines her love of culture and wellbeing in her daily life and after becoming a yoga instructor in Goa, Julia travelled extensively, bringing a wealth of insights and inspiration from around the globe to her readership.

To connect visit:

Website: www.luxnomade.com
Instagram: @luxnomade


mindfulness cooking blog