
In The Kitchen With: Gabrielle Dolan, International Speaker + Best-selling Author

In The Kitchen With: Gabrielle Dolan, International Speaker + Best-selling Author
Photo credit: © Oli Sansom

May 31, 2020 |


This week M+K sits across the table with Gabrielle Dolan, international speaker and best-selling author of several books, including Stories for Work and Real Communication. She talks with us about cooking, creativity and community.


1. My cooking inspiration…

Was definitely my mother. Mum would always involve us in baking and cooking dinner from as early as I can remember. I made sure I did the same with my two children.


2. A meal that reminds me of home…

My mum’s chicken soup where the stock is made from scratch.


3. A life lesson cooking has taught me…

Sometimes you need to stick to the rules and sometimes you can be creative …but know when to do what.


4. When I want to be creative I…

Go for a run. I do a lot of thinking and come up with some creative ideas on a long run.


5. The most transformational book I’ve read is…

Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr Suess. It has such a great life message regardless of what age you are.


6. The routines that keep me grounded are…

Cooking and gardening.


7. I recently learnt…

How bloody exhausting it is to run training virtually.


8. Favourite random act of kindness…

Just thanking people when it’s not expected. I love it when people do it to me, so I try to do it to others.


9. To make a difference in my community I…

Try to be generous with my time.


10. Right now, I’m grateful for…

Being in a financial position to enjoy the benefits of having most of your work postponed. I am enjoying having more time which allows me to notice things more. I have been running through a park for over 20 years and noticed a beautiful statue there the other day that I had never seen before. I thought it was new but it turns out it has been there for 25 years. Go figure.


Gabrielle Dolan is a highly sought-after international keynote speaker and educator on real communication and business storytelling. She is the best-selling author of five business books and counts the Obama Foundation, Telstra, EY and Vodaphone as some of her clients. For her, bringing humanity to the way business people communicate isn’t just a career, it’s a calling. The ultimate expression of her passion for the cause is her global movement, Jargon Free Fridays. She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband and two teenage daughters.

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