
In The Kitchen With: Elodie Levasseur, Founder, Dream Sparkle and Shine

In The Kitchen With: Elodie Levasseur, Founder, Dream Sparkle and Shine
Photo credit: © Dream Sparkle and Shine

Aug 19, 2020 |


This week M+K sits across the table with Elodie Levasseur, Founder, Dream Sparkle and Shine. She talks with us about the life lessons in cooking, the routines that ground her and how she accesses her creativity.


1. My cooking inspiration…

My dad. He is probably the pioneer of my cooking skills and love for food – he used to bake the most amazing cakes when I was a child.


2. A meal that reminds me of home…

It’s quite basic but most Saturdays, my dad would go to the market to buy chicken and we would have chicken and home-made fries for lunch.


3. A life lesson cooking has taught me…

Bravery. I love the fact that you can add so many ingredients together with no guarantee or certainty that it will turn out to be a success. So, you need to be brave – test, try and see what happens – you are not trying to be right but to get it right. It’s a continuous journey to learn what works and what doesn’t.


4. When I want to be creative I…

Dance! I take a break and move my body – bringing some movements to my daily life increase the blood flow to my brain and helps me to let go and get into a flow state.


5. The most transformational book I’ve read is…

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma. I was probably 19 when I read it and at the time it was transformational and really inspiring – the beginning of my personal development journey.


6. The routines that keep me grounded are…

Qi Gong in the morning and reading at least two or three pages of a book before bed.


7. I recently learnt…

About self-compassion. Offering understanding and kindness to myself when I fail or make mistakes, rather than judging myself harshly.


8. Favourite random act of kindness…

Sending a surprise postcard or cake to brighten the day of friends and family.


9. To make a difference in my community I…

Show up. I create a safe space for people to open up, share and learn about themselves and others. The power of sharing is powerful and magical.


10. Right now, I’m grateful for…

The people in my life who support me, uplift me and bring joy to my soul.


Elodie Levasseur is the founder of Dream Sparkle and Shine and is on a mission to help women to become extraordinary conscious leaders and create a world-class business and life. As an entrepreneur, marketer, brain-based coach and an unshakeable optimist, Elodie is dedicated to helping women embody their true feminine powers, by establishing a strong connection of who they are as women so they can become effective leaders and share their gifts with the world. Head of International Marketing by day and Coach on the weekend, Elodie believes that you can make a difference in your life and the life of others by discovering your purpose and sharing it with other in an authentic way.


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mindfulness cooking blog