
In The Kitchen With: Ati Farmani, Food Scientist, Food Coach, Nutritionist + Founder, Ati Nutrition

In The Kitchen With: Ati Farmani, Food Scientist, Food Coach, Nutritionist + Founder, Ati Nutrition
Photo credit: © Mason Farmani

Jun 24, 2020 |


This week M+K sits across the table with Ati Farmani, food scientist, food coach, nutritionist and founder, Ati Nutrition. She talks with us about cooking, creativity and her current community projects.


1. My cooking inspiration…

My mother. She always cooked with an abundance of love and grace. She certainly taught me the importance of cooking using fresh and beautiful ingredients and how a home-made meal brings the family together. She always said “a house without the aroma of a home-made food has no life and light. It’s like a person without a soul.”


2. A meal that reminds me of home…

Slow-cooked chicken stew with ghee, onions and saffron.


3. A life lesson cooking has taught me…

Cooking is pure love that nourishes the soul, mind as well as the body. You need to be patient, loving and mindful of all the steps. One of my favourite quotes is “cooking is love made edible.”


4. When I want to be creative I…

I must connect to my heart and listen to my gut feeling in peace.


5. The most transformational book I’ve read is…

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter by Dr. Joe Dispenza


6. The routines that keep me grounded are…

Having breakfast and drinking my favourite teas in peace. Meditating, exercising, cooking and spending quality time with my husband.


7. I recently learnt…

All crises bring with them many hidden gems. During this pandemic, I learned how to truly practise mindfulness and take it to another level by practising different types of meditation and spending more time in nature. With all the challenges, I have learned to have more profound gratitude for many small things I am blessed with, for example, enjoying a walk in my neighbourhood like I never had before.


8. Favourite random act of kindness…

I absolutely love and cherish when people make an effort to connect with you and say hello regardless of how busy they are. I think one of the most valuable things in our lives is the gift of our relationships and taking the time to connect with our loved ones to express our love and kindness to each other, is priceless.


9. To make a difference in my community I…

In light of recent events, I am more committed than ever to raise awareness about the importance of food, nutrition and lifestyle habits. I am holding myself accountable to take part, at a much larger scale, to contribute to the underprivileged African Americans as well as other minorities at a global level. Now, more than ever, I will be using my platform and efforts to support and empower a variety of communities in the world of health, nutrition, food and wellness. This is the time to observe, learn, reevaluate, support and take action.


10. Right now, I’m grateful for…

My life and having the wisdom to see that all my challenges contributed to my transformation and growth. I am beyond grateful for having the most amazing and supportive husband. I am blessed to be introduced to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s teachings and meditations.


Ati Farmani is the founder of Ati Nutrition. From food safety instruction and wellness tune-ups to recipes and cooking methods plans geared toward specific health issues, Ati offers a wide range of wellness coaching options for individuals, groups, corporations as well as classroom services for 2-12 graders. Fascinated by food’s dynamic healing powers, Ati combines her advanced knowledge of how food is grown, what it’s made up of on a molecular level, and what its nutrient values are, with her personal experience of eating her way to wellness. Globally, Ati has helped countless people live better, happier and most importantly, healthier lives.

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